Tuesday 17 April 2012

Farmer Fern Goes to the Well

Friday, April 27th the Farmer Fern & Friends Puppet Program will be running a puppet workshop at The Well located at Kortright Presbyterian Church in Guelph.  Our group will be preforming a puppet play followed by seed planting and puppet making.  This weekend I made the samples of the bird puppets we will be creating with the participants of the workshop.  These bird puppets were quick, easy, and a lot of fun to make and provide endless possibilities for creating different looks. - Sarah

1 comment:

  1. Dear Farmer Fern,

    You and your wonderful posse of pals take me back to my grand times with puppetry many years ago. Your creative outreach shenanigans will bring MUCH joy and fun to the children (of all ages) who are lucky enough to partake. May there be "kazillions" of them so that the Puppet Population's powers for good grow and grow. Bravo to you and all your team for your active role in healthy living!
    ~ Kit Wilson
